Students from Bournemouth and Reading University are to be involved with the events organisation and album design for the girl band Greymatter.
Events Management students from Bournemouth University are involved every year in arranging a live gig in the local area. Whilst Typography students studying at reading are currently working on Greymatters’ up-coming album design, including logo and cover material.
The bands’ aim is to involve university students by allowing them to use the skills gained in their courses and to put them into action. The students can gain experience and while doing so can help promote Greymatter.
Emma Kavanagh, who is vocalist in the band and also a lecturer in Sports Psychology and Coaching Science at Bournemouth University says “As I work in higher education I’m aware of the network of students that are looking for employability skills and it’s not enough now to just get a degree, it’s also about the experience you gain whilst doing it.”
“It’s a great experience for them to work with us, but also for us in the creative idea’s that we get from students. It’s really refreshing to work with people who are right at the start of their career as they are so full of enthusiasm.”
The students are working hard to finish the projects by springtime 2011, when Greymatter are set to release their third album - which is yet to be named. The band is set to return with a bang showcasing their new mainstream sound and image with the creative help of the Bournemouth and Reading students.
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